What is Klaviyo?

The Klaviyo marketing suite is a unified customer platform that collects and stores customer data and integrations across your website and eCommerce stores.
The platform allows you to build journeys with Flow Builder, segment, personalise and test your customer communications across email, SMS, social advertising, and in-app advertising.

Who is Klaviyo for?

Klaviyo is suited to start ups, growing or larger commercial, ecommerce or government clients who wish to greatly optimise and refine their marketing campaigns and longer term customer engagement.

Klaviyo is renowned for its incredibly powerful range of integrations (Shopify Klaviyo is just the beginning), return on investment reporting, and advanced segmentation capabilities.

In a nutshell, it lets you deliver amazing customer experiences across email and other owned channels such as SMS. This is achieved by:

- Collecting and storing your customers’ most important information

- Segmenting your customers’ by their preferences and stage of the buying cycle

- Communicating with them about the offers and promotions that matter to them

Whether for new visitors, first time purchasers, or long-time brand advocates — Klaviyo email marketing allows you to send messages triggered by legitimate preferences, rather than assumptions about your customers.

What Can Klaviyo Do?

Delighting your customers is just the beginning. The sky’s the limit with Klaviyo’s impressive list of features and integrations. They’ve built their platform from the ground up, for high-growth eCommerce merchants.

With the Klaviyo CRM you get a single record for every contact. This allows you to send segmented email campaigns and automations (flows) to increase site conversions, increase lifetime customer value, generate more UGC, and improve your overall customer experience. Just like no two brands are the same; no two customer journeys should be the same. With Klaviyo you can communicate with the right customers, at the right time, and put the right offers in front of them.

Klaviyo’s web tracking lets you know what your customers are doing on your site, so you can launch a campaign to people who:

- Haven’t stopped by recently

- Looked at a product but didn’t buy

- Are due to restock an item they purchased

- And every other crucial moment in their customer journey

Klaviyo also lets you pull in dynamic blocks for order details, cart contents, product recommendations, custom web feeds, and more. This allows you to create more relevant campaigns and flows — meaning a better experience for your customers and higher profits for your business.

As a Klaviyo agency, we’re experts in creating highly-customised, beautifully designed journeys for your new and existing customers. We also help our clients use Klaviyo for text message marketing. This allows us to manage our clients multi-channel communications in one centralised hub.

Thinking of using Klaviyo?

Have a chat to our digital marketing and CX experts  on whether this is the right solution for you. Tell us about your project and request a call back or strategy session.