Chat & AI


We make things interactive and conversational with chatbots, chat apps with natural language processing.

Kuini chatbot image
R13 chat app image of phone and chat
screenshot of R13 chat app website
person viewing app on a phone
Well Good creative UX team working

Strategic development of chat-based app with artificial intellegence

We've found that chatbots, or chat-based apps can create a robust solution to a number of use cases and challenges. They a offer conversational, interactive experience and 'short form' and 'on demand', 24/7 services where websites, phone lines or other services may not be the right fit.

Chatbots for specific use cases

They are especially useful in service contexts where the user may not want, or need to, to talk to a 'real person' or where you want to offer a more personalised range of content and interaction beyond the website.

Some examples include the chatbot for assisting wahine quit smoking, rather than go 'cold turkey' on their own or R13, a chat app for young people wanting answers to 'hard to ask' questions on sex, relationships, porn, mental health and identity.

Chat and AI design & development expertise

Our solution architect and technical team are experienced in designing and delivering chat and AI technical solutions to meet the needs of clients in a cost effective way. We welcome discussion on your project and can discuss past experiences and projects with you.

We also have an experienced team for chatbot UX design and content/conversation design and frameworks.