R13 Chat app

A chatbot for young people, with answers to the hard questions on love, life, relationships, sex and mental wellbeing.
Young people have a number of 'hard-to-ask' questions on topics including relationships, sex, porn and mental health. This app aims to fill a gap where young people's needs are fast evolving alongside the digital channels and media content, including porn, that are influencing their sexual and interpersonal behaviours and relationships.

Often these topics are taboo, embarrassing or so new that many young people feel they have no one to ask or discuss issues with. Families may not be aware of the issues and support services may not exist or be delivered in a way teens want or need in their 'first step' for any help seeking.
R13 screenshot of home page for chat app
R13 Chat app speech logo
R13 mobile screens

The R13 app provides quick, short-form, credible answers to young people anonymously.

It also provides pathways to deeper, credible content and referrals to support services for young people that need more - it acts as an easy 'first step' or 'gateway' to a range of services. The conversational interface also works to normalise conversations around these topics and gives advice on how to start conversations with family and friends.


Our current version of the app builds upon and is informed by the design, content and learnings from our earlier versions and prototypes which were developed and validated with over 100 young people in different parts of Aotearoa, working with MSD Social Action team and The Light Project.