A mental health & wellbeing app for men offering 30 days of guided support with matt brown, from she is not your rehab.
Well Good was asked by MSD to work with Matt and Sarah Brown, from She Is Not Your Rehab, to design an app solution to best deliver innerBoy as a rich-content 30-Day mental health programme for men, with varying literacy levels, digital access and backgrounds for She is Not Your Rehab, with funding from MSD.
screenshot of innerboy website design - join matt brown on the innerboy journey
image from innerBoy website design with Matt Brown and sonHand holding phone with innerBoy app on it

We worked closely with the She is Not Your Rehab and MSD to define the strategy and solution architecture.

A progressive web application was designed and delivered on Jamstack. The app design work included full UX and UI design starting with storyboards for the app journey through to visual design and brand application. A campaign website with optimised landing pages was also suggested and included to engage clients in the upper funnel generated by the Google Ad campaign and their socials.
screenshot of innerBoy app - welcome screenscreenshot of innerBoy app from NZ men - dashboard of app design f

The initial version of the app was successfully launched in June 2023. It has helped 100s of New Zealand men start and complete their healing journeys and was featured on the Morning Show in July. The app is soon to be evaluated by the research firm Ihi, working with MSD, to ascertain it's benefits as a mental health tool and intervention.

Thanks to Matt and Sarah Brown, with Zaffa, TP , Irene and Vinh from MSD. Illustrations from Oceana Olsen.