The Jamstack is a modern web development methodology that focuses on delivering fast and secure digital experiences for end users. The 'Jam' stands for:
- JavaScript – the client-side programming language that drives dynamic elements of a page
- APIs – application programming interfaces that connect your website or application to other web services, databases and/or endpoints
- Markup – the way HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is rendered, often utilising static site generators and CDNs to deliver web experiences as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The 'stack' refers to how these technologies are stacked together to deliver the end solution for your customers.
In our 20+ years of working in the digital space, we have all too often heard clients describing a common set of problems arising from their digital platforms:
- A slow website leading to low conversions
- A feature-rich digital experience platform that is only being used as an expensive CMS
- A rigid template structure that forces digital marketers and content editors to use third party landing page solutions to do their job
- Disparate content management solutions across the organisation (e.g. website vs mobile app vs display screens)
- Security flaws and vulnerabilities that have gone unnoticed for too long
- A costly hosting infrastructure that isn't delivering a ROI
- A frustrated group of stakeholders across marketing, digital and IT
- Any of these sound familiar? The Jamstack can help address these very real business problems.
We can sum up gthe benefits of Jamstack for businesses in the six 'Ss' of the Jamstack:
- Speed: super fast, pre-rendered websites that are SEO-friendly and improve conversions. Add to that improved speed to market with a streamlined development pipeline.
- Stability: no more random downtime moments caused by legacy applications. Static HTML, served at the edge doesn’t go down.
- Scalability: unbeatable scaling with no web application servers or database servers needed. Significant cost savings at scale (and highly performant!).
- Security: by serving pre-rendered static HTML we remove any potential connection to web application servers or database servers. It’s hard to get any more secure than that.
- Serviceability: this refers to the quality of the experience in designing, building and maintaining Jamstack-driven web experiences. The 'maker experience' is a critical factor in the ongoing success of any website or application. This covers designers, developers, content editors, digital marketers, and anyone else who is involved in the creation and ongoing management of digital experiences.
- Simplicity: the Jamstack is all about abstracting complexity to deliver ease-of-use for all stakeholders, and simple, blazingly fast experiences for end users.
One of the strengths of the Jamstack is the ability to utilise best-of-breed apps and tools to deliver the best possible digital experiences. Here are some of the apps and tools our Jamsack developers recommend:
Sanity, Strapi or Contentful.
- Javascript UI (user interface) frameworks:
React, Angular.js or Vue.js.
Shopify or Snipcart.
- Search:
Algolia, Solr or Azure
- Personalisation and A/B testing:
Google optimise, Optimizely.
- Authentication:
Auth0, Azure or Okta.